
loves jennifer

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About Me

firstly, i'd like to say that you can't know someone just by reading their about me. all of me is not summed up in these few paragraphs. i have problems, just like everyone else. i'm not insensitive, i have feelings just like you. i don't plan on changing for anyone but myself, and God.

i'm edward, and i'll be 19 in july. i'm a rather odd guy. i want to be a kid again sometimes, since i matured way too fast for my age. i want out of eastern kentucky, considering most things here progress far too slowly for my taste. i'm impatient, what can i say?

i'm a christian, which is tough in today's world. i stand for moralistic views, which people don't always agree with anymore. God has done a mighty work for me in my life, and i can't possibly thank him enough for everything he's done for me. he provides for my needs, and gives me each new day to bring him glory. i see being a christian as more than just a religion, its faith and a relationship with Jesus. it goes so much deeper than most people think. but just because i'm a christian doesn't mean i can't have fun. i just don't do stupid things anymore. oh, and don't worry, i won't push my faith on you, i'll let you know how good God is, but its your choice to believe, and accept him.

most people won't get along with me, simply because most people act ignorant, or self absorbed. i tend to not enjoy people like that. i'm not pessimistic, just realistic. life isn't always bad, try to find the good. some people think i'm apathetic. i'm not i just deal with things differently.

i was born out of place in time. i'm big on chivalry, and respect towards women. the fifties were a better time. i think there needs to be more love in the world, hence my title as hopeless romantic. i'm a sucker for all things romantic, and want a romance of my own someday. i love holding hands and being kissed passionately. cuddling is awesome, and i love to hold hands like no other. i am a gentleman, which means: i will call you, i won't try to get in your pants, i will respect you, and show you proper attention and affection.

i'm a self proclaimed nerd, and i love it. being smart gets you place, despite what people say. i love to read. i love art. i love to doodle. i love music. i want to be a professional photographer someday, but until then a computer programmer works for me. i love to take pictures, i don't care if you hate them. d:

i'm full of contradictions. i'm a simple person, yet my mind is complicated. i'm quiet, yet, i can be very loud. it takes a lot for me to let people in, but when I do it's hard to get them out. i have add, yet if you look me in the eyes you have my complete, undivided attention. i love good conversations, but i can't always keep them up. i wear my heart on my sleeve, for everyone to see, and yet you'll never really know what i'm feeling. writing is my anti-drug, but i get writers block a lot.

you'll have to talk to me, if you want to know more.
Gender Male
Age 18
Location Lexington, KY
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Women
Status In a relationship
Interests jennifer


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I love you more pumpkin :]
This is going to be more than amazing.

I promise!

By snarky on May 6, 2008 7:57 am · History


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Registered Apr 22, 2008
Last update May 6, 2008

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